
Date: 5/30/2008

The wiccan Rhede

...As the sun begins 2 set and the moon begins 2 rise, i do, but lest we wont 4get, just a few words, the words of the wise, 2 do as we wish but also harm none, remember this rule, simunye, we are all 1. I playfully howl, the night hears my cries, im flaunting my power, i scream 2 the skiez. And as i continue, its ur touch i do yearn, i will continue, continue 2 learn, the path of the wize which had chosen me, thus its my very own comfort zone, u c. Hecate my lady, and pan i do call, 2 them all my service, then they surround me, my wall. Nothing comes in, and nothing goes out, i can hear the deamons as they shout. They want that tribute, my collection 4 the day, how 2 use my curse the wize wiccan way...

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